
Is Problem Based Learning Causing A Decline In Medical Students' Knowledge

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Learning from the bug of problem-based learning

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The last decade has witnessed a rapid expansion of biomedical cognition. Despite this, fashions in medical educational activity over the same period take shifted away from factual (didactic) teaching and towards contextual, or problem-based, learning (PBL). This paradigm shift has been justified by studies showing that PBL improves reasoning and communication while being associated with few if any detectable cognition deficits.


Analysis of the literature indicates that the recent rapid rise of PBL has closely paralleled the timing of the information explosion. The growing dominance of PBL could thus worsen the problems of information management in medical didactics via several mechanisms: beginning, by creating the impression that a defined spectrum of core factual noesis suffices for clinical competence despite ongoing cognition expansion (quality price); second, by dissuading teachers from refining the educational utility of didactic modalities (improvement price); and third, by reducing kinesthesia time for developing reusable resources to impart factual knowledge more than efficiently (opportunity price).


These costs of PBL imply a demand for strengthening the knowledge base of 21st-century medical graduates. New initiatives towards this end could include the development of more integrated cognitive techniques for facilitating the comprehension of complex data; the blueprint of differentiated medical curricula for producing graduates with defined high-priority skill sets; and the encouragement of more cost-constructive faculty educational activity activities focused on the prototyping and testing of innovative commercializable educational tools.

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Many doctors have commented that their medical educational activity began in hostage on the outset day that they entered the hospital wards as a easily-on practitioner. Claims of this kind support the view that the apprenticeship model of professional learning – which has been the backbone of training in the healing arts for thousands of years [1] – remains every bit central to medical career development today every bit e'er [2]. A perennial complaint of the medical apprentice-in-training is that there are too few structured teaching activities within the busy world of postgraduate work [3], a concern which many institutions have addressed by developing formalised standing education initiatives reminiscent of medical schoolhouse courses [4–6]. Predictably, different complaints prevail at the pre-licensure phase of the training spectrum, where students ofttimes feel more than motivated to acquire the (implicit) competence of the practising doctor [7, 8] than to absorb large volumes of (explicit) scientific and/or humanistic theory [nine, 10].

Such feelings underlie an unresolved argue over the optimal balance betwixt factual ('educational activity', or content-based) and practical ('training', or operation-based) components of professional evolution [eleven] and, as such, could explain a contempo migrate away from the didactic emphasis of older biomedical educative approaches [12] and towards quasi-experiential, or problem-based, learning [thirteen, fourteen] (PBL; Figure 1A). This hypothesis cannot fully account for the PBL-led transformation of medical didactics in the 1990s, however, overlooking equally information technology does a powerful contrary trend: the explosive proliferation of biomedical knowledge [15, 16] as epitomized by the completion of the Man Genome Project [17]. Although at start sight contradictory, this reciprocal human relationship between knowledge growth and didactic instruction invites a unifying explanation: namely, that the switch of educational philosophy to non-didactic methods represents a strategy for teachers and students to cope with the expansile information environment [18, xix].

Effigy one
figure 1

Comparison of growth rates of PBL and biomedical knowledge. (A), Relative growth of interest in PBL versus lecture-based teaching based on PubMed keyword frequencies between 1975 and 2000. The Title fields of the journal database were searched each year for the strings "problem-based learning" (open squares) or "lecture" (open diamonds); the retrieved items were and so scrutinized to determine those dealing with the subject of teaching way ( thousand., eponymous "lectures" were excluded). (B), Growth rates of periodical articles dealing with subject matter relating to science, medicine and education. The strings "gene" (solid diamonds), "clinical" (open squares) and "medical education" (solid triangles) are shown here, illustrative of the frequencies of many other keywords searched.

Total size image

There are many things which a fresh medical pupil, unburdened by factual knowledge, can begin to acquire: bones surgical methods, resuscitation interventions, generic reasoning skills, and counselling techniques, to proper noun a few. The pivotal question, and so, is not whether such context-dependent (but sequence-independent) learning will show effective [xx]; rather, information technology is why this reorientation of teaching philosophy has occurred at all, and at this time. Or to put the consequence some other way: what is the hard evidence indicating that the original educational arrangement was broken and that the new system is likely to fix it?

A secondary issue, which has been a prime concern of PBL critics [21], is whether there may prove to be long-term hidden costs payable for the clear brusk-term benefits afforded by the PBL education philosophy. Since there are major differences in the way that PBL is implemented between schools, show to confirm or refute such hypotheses may be impossible to gather. Past the same token, it is an oversimplification to view all PBL every bit having depression fact-based content, just equally it is to equate all older educational activity methods with rote learning. Still, since PBL veers more than to the agile/contextual, and didactic teaching to the passive/factual, it is plausible that ane bias occurs at the expense of the other.


What is knowledge – anyone know?

The traditional educational sequence involves theory preceding application, an accelerated model of which has long been satirized in clinical circles as "lookout man one, do 1, teach 1". Every bit noted above, however, some applications may be learned in the absenteeism of theoretical noesis, just every bit some subsets of theoretical knowledge may exist unassociated with whatsoever obvious application. Is it possible, then, to define a minimum essential "core knowledge" spectrum for the student of biomedicine? If so, should such knowledge expand in parallel with other biomedical information, or should whatsoever such expansion exist restricted by its relevance to changes in clinical performance (the 'barefoot dr.' model)? In the latter case, how long tin can healthcare competence and credibility be maintained in the face of ascension constraints on scientific core knowledge [22]?

If core knowledge is indeed expanding at a charge per unit similar to that of non-core knowledge, then the strategy of solving the broad problem of knowledge expansion by defining a narrower core can only be a temporizing mensurate. On the other hand, if the quantum of core knowledge is accounted non-expansile – arbitrarily defined, for case, to correspond the amount of knowledge capable of being instilled in an average student past ten teaching hours per calendar week spread over y years – then any expansion of non-cadre knowledge will cause the core to compress every bit a proportion of total noesis. In 1984, for case, a listing of 2 hundred drugs was hailed as a solution to information overload in the field of pharmacology [23]; but by 2000 the overload problem in this discipline was perceived to have deteriorated despite both the embracement of PBL and relentless efforts to re-define a core curriculum [24].

A key difficulty in addressing this problem is that expansion of biomedical information is asymmetric – dissimilar areas of knowledge grow at different rates which in turn vary (and are ascribed differing priorities) during different periods (Fig. 1B). In exercise, most curricula cope with differential knowledge growth by adding new core modules to embrace areas of rapid growth [25]; the problem with this approach is that the notion of "core" becomes fluid, invalidating the concept. Moreover, it is difficult to discard ageing core knowledge at the same rate as calculation new information, since the credibility of newer data tends by its nature to exist weaker than that of older content. Rigid conservation of the core leaves trainees selectively deficient in new cognition areas, on the other hand, making them less competitive in the market. Discrepancies emerging between planned (taught) and bodily (learned) medical curricula [26] further weaken the practicability of paradigms based on core knowledge.

The concept of core knowledge every bit a stand-solitary solution to the problem of information inflation thus appears flawed [27]. Although at any ane fourth dimension certain knowledge subsets may be accounted disposable for learning purposes, a continuous expansion of knowledge must imply a comparable expansion of knowledge essential for maintenance of professional competence [28]. Moreover, practicality should not be the sole criterion past which core noesis is judged; a medical training system cannot succeed by simply cloning service-based doctors, but must also produce academics, researchers, visionaries and leaders able to develop the service infrastructure [29]. It is against the background of these diverse challenges that the recent growth of PBL should exist appraised.

The lure of the non-expert

A traditional authoritative doctor who dares challenge the information explosion faces the same risk equally the immovable object confronting the irresistible strength. The outcome has been to shatter the image of the omniscient doctor, as well as to dent the plausibility of experts in all fields. This slide from grace of the specialist – formerly a dominant effigy in the medical educational pantheon, and a revered colleague in the battle confronting information overload [thirty] – has paralleled the reject of the lecture every bit a pedagogy medium. These linked trends suggest that the internet-empowered medical client of the 21st century (whether patient or student) now questions data promulgated by mere individuals, thus threatening clinical and educational activity paradigms formerly assumed unassailable.

This problem has created a niche for PBL, rejecting as it has the sometime curriculum's reliance upon experts and specialists [31]. The reported disadvantages of non-expert biomedical instruction with respect to knowledge manual [32] and illness understanding [33] have been parried by numerous studies showing no detectable data deficits in PBL-trained (compared to lecture-taught) students [34–38]. Such negative data may be of express reassurance, however, given the insensitivity of the endpoints used to measure what is in practice a rather limited curricular deviation [39]. It is likewise arguable that endpoints such every bit cognition acquisition and clinical skills are surrogates, and that the nigh critical deliverable of medical training – namely, the quality of patient outcomes – has not been measured in any controlled trial of PBL [40]. These points lend credence to criticisms that the present-day popularity of PBL has and then far been driven more by individual enthusiasm and conjecture than by objective scientific evidence [41].

Who, and so, stands to gain from PBL? Medical teachers are perhaps the most immediate beneficiaries [42]. Reduced self-perceptions of fallibility may exist one attraction for teachers, as new PBL supervisors notice that their educational contributions are no longer falsifiable by their pupils. In addition, responsibleness for providing a sufficient knowledge base can be passed from teacher to pupil under the PBL auspices of 'self-directed learning' [43]. Yet another benefit relates to the lack of formal grooming required to initiate a PBL session [44] – an advantage which suggests a proceeds in efficiency. But does this bear scrutiny [45]?

Things have changed

Efficiency can be calculated past dividing (productivity) by (time and attempt). What do we mean in this context past productivity? A one-half-century ago, the only responsibleness of a medical school was to produce clinicians to serve the local community; today, however, instruction activities incorporate postgraduate specialist education, continuing medical education, professional and career evolution, public and patient awareness programmes, teaching-related enquiry, conference and workshop organization, national and international collaborative initiatives, professional accreditation and inspect activities, development of electronic educational activity resources, and then on. Hence, a modern faculty's teaching productivity is not able to be gauged exclusively (or even predominantly) by the number and quality of its outgoing medical graduates, but rather must be judged by the sum total of its useful educational output.

This raises curt- and long-term problems as to the near efficient ways to utilize faculty fourth dimension and effort: traditional teaching service activities (e.g., tutorials, mentoring) must compete with more ambitious developmental activities (e.chiliad., production of journal articles, books, software or spider web resources). Small-grouping tutorials are a time-honoured pedagogy modality, but the opportunity toll is loftier; while at that place must surely remain a place for personalized teaching, information technology seems doubtful whether the modern bookish system tin tolerate the luxury of an accelerating tendency in this management [46]. In contrast, the traditional apprenticeship training approach seems toll-constructive, relying every bit it does upon the learner assisting a professional person in the execution of his/her paid duties.

In this context information technology is worth noting that the development of PBL – growth of which during the 1990s coincided with similar trends favouring noncognitive-based medical school admissions [47–49] and humanities-rich preclinical experience [50–52] – was spawned a quarter of a century agone in a regional medical school in Canada [53]. 1 demand scarcely point out that the 1975 academic environs responsible for this educational breakthrough bears little resemblance to the market-driven imperatives that preoccupy nearly medical kinesthesia members today, both in Canada [54–56] and elsewhere [57–62]. A changing environment not only justifies, simply mandates, accommodation; if the 1990s trends exercise indeed represent a retreat from an data-dominated world, and so the substitution of a PBL-dominated philosophy could be fraught with pregnant longterm perils.

From words to deportment

Solutions prevarication in compromise. Such change is painful because it involves the abandonment of ideals formerly accessible; the vision of a 1-size-fits-all medical school becomes no longer practical, and ever more difficult decisions will exist needed equally to what style(southward) of graduate is about urgent for a faculty to produce. This process of curricular differentiation has started, just the pace is prepare to quicken as medical markets emerge and diverge, and as competition for faculty survival sharpens. To what extent, though, should these divisive educational decisions be made past markets, faculties, students, patients or governments?

Contrary to popular idea, at that place volition remain a strong need – and mayhap an enlarging one – for a subset of highly-trained medical graduates from a knowledge-intensive learning environment who are capable of assimilating the complexities of scientific discipline, computer science, humanities and logistics that contain modern medicine. Since the proportion of individuals and faculties suitable for this leadership mission looks set to decline, notwithstanding, a larger number will need to accept the every bit daunting compromise of skills prioritization.

Teachers cannot teach without students, only students tin can larn without teachers. This belated insight has transformed the office of teachers into that of learning facilitators, akin to a culture of "thinking apprenticeship". Paradoxically, in an age when even complex skills such every bit landing aircraft are learned using robotic simulators, the trend in medical education has switched back to labor-intensive minor-group teaching under the guise of PBL. This at get-go seems all the more curious given the unprecedented availability of alternative technologies for didactics clinical reasoning, the increasing importance of an acceptable knowledge base of operations in an ever more sophisticated professional surround, the growing pressures on faculties to apply limited fiscal resources in the near cost-effective mode, and the novel opportunities for commercializing educational activities and products via the development of software and web-based resources.

The rise in PBL popularity over the 1990s thus suggests a retreat from the fallout of the biomedical information explosion. Although this response seems rational plenty as a short-term adaptive measure, it should not be regarded as a solution to the trouble of knowledge expansion. Merely as PBL was originally pioneered as a reaction against complacency in traditional pedagogy, so must today's medical schools reject expediency and confront the unresolved information-direction challenges of 21st-century medical instruction. The conception of more efficient techniques for imparting factual cognition, a greater accent on directing limited resources to the product of reusable didactics tools [63], and a willingness to experiment with differentiated medical curricula that prioritise graduate skill subsets, can all play a role in driving educational reform every bit a positive and ongoing adaptive process.


The noesis explosion of the last two decades has been accompanied by a decreasing reliance on didactic teaching. This educational prototype shift has been led by widespread embracement of PBL, the original rationale of which was to improve students' power to reason and communicate. In contempo years, however, PBL has grown more rapidly in apparent response to information overload in medical school curricula, and may thus exist viewed every bit a symptom of the problem of biomedical knowledge expansion.

The challenge of defining the right balance betwixt what is taught, what is learned, and what remains unlearned volition non disappear. Although few knowledge deficits accept been detected in today's PBL-educated students, a decreasing business concern with the adequacy of the professional knowledge base of operations could yet erode the future credibility of the medical profession. By continuing to rely on popular PBL escape clauses such as 'self-directed learning' and 'information management', today'south medical educators risk losing sight of this longterm threat.

The era of active learning began thousands of years agone with the get-go apprentice. We at present live in a new era with new challenges, ane of which is exponential data expansion. PBL provides one way for kinesthesia and students to cope with this claiming, but sidesteps deeper problems relating to the widening core of essential professional noesis. Innovative curricular experiments using educational strategies complementary to PBL would therefore appear timely.



problem-based learning


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The author thank you Professor Joe Muller, as well every bit two named journal reviewers, for constructive feedback on the manuscript.

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Epstein, R.J. Learning from the problems of problem-based learning. BMC Med Educ 4, 1 (2004).

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  • knowledge management, medical didactics

Is Problem Based Learning Causing A Decline In Medical Students' Knowledge,


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