
State Function Vs Path Function

Key Divergence – State Function vs Path Office

Thermodynamics is a major branch of physical chemical science which indicates the thermochemical relationships with different forms of energy and piece of work. At that place are four thermodynamic laws used in describing the beliefs of a thermodynamic system. The state function and path function are two means of expressing different thermodynamic properties of systems. The key divergence betwixt land function and path function is that state functions exercise not depend on the path or procedure whereas path functions depend on path or procedure. Therefore country function and path part are reverse of each other.


1. Overview and Key Deviation
2. What is Country Function
three. What is Path Function
four. Similarities Between State Role and Path Function
v. Side past Side Comparison – State Part vs Path Role in Tabular Course
half-dozen. Summary

What is Land Part

State role is a thermodynamic term that is used to name a property whose value does not depend on the path taken to reach that specific value. State functions are also known as point functions. A state function only depends on the electric current state of the thermodynamic system and its initial state (independent from the path). The state office of a thermodynamic system describes the equilibrium state of that system irrespective of how the arrangement arrived at that country.

Examples of State Functions

  1. Mass
  2. Free energy – enthalpy, internal energy, Gibbs costless energy, etc.
  3. Entropy
  4. Pressure level
  5. Temperature
  6. Volume
  7. Chemic composition
  8. Altitude

A state function depends on three things: the property, initial value and last value. Enthalpy is a state function. It can exist given as a mathematical expression every bit given below.

Difference Between State Function and Path Function

In which, tane is the final state, t0 is the initial state and h is the enthalpy of the system.

What is Path Function?

Path function is a thermodynamic term that is used to proper noun a property whose value depends on the path taken to achieve that specific value. In other words, a path function depends on the path taken to achieve a last state from an initial state. Path function is also chosen a process function.

A path function gives different values for unlike paths. Hence path functions have variable values depending on the road. Therefore, when expressing the path function mathematically, multiple integrals and limits are required to integrate the path office.

Examples of Path Functions

  1. Mechanical work
  2. Oestrus
  3. Arc length

The internal energy is given by the following equation:

∆U = q + w

In which ∆U is the change in internal energy, q is the estrus and w is the mechanical work. The internal energy is a state function, simply estrus and work are path functions.

What are the Similarities Between Land Function and Path Part?

  • Both are functions described in thermodynamics.
  • Both are backdrop of thermodynamic systems.

What is the Departure Between State Role and Path Function?

Country Function vs Path Function

State function is a thermodynamic term that is used to name a property whose value does not depend on the path taken to reach that specific value. Path function is a thermodynamic term that is used to name a property whose value depends on the path taken to accomplish that specific value.
Other Names
State functions are besides called point functions. Path functions are likewise chosen process functions.
Land functions do non depend on the path or process. Path functions depend on the path or process.
Land function can be integrated using the initial and terminal values of the thermodynamic holding of the system. Path function requires multiple integrals and limits of integration to integrate the belongings.
The value of state function remains the same regardless of the number of steps. The value of path function of a unmarried step procedure is different from a multiple pace process.
State functions include entropy, enthalpy, mass, volume, temperature, etc.  Path functions include estrus and mechanical work.

Summary – State Function vs Path Function

State function and path function are ii forms of thermodynamic expressions that give different properties of thermodynamic systems. These terms are different from each other; the key divergence between country role and path part is that state functions practice not depend on the path or procedure whereas path functions depend on path or process.


i. "State function." Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Feb. 2018, Available here.
2. "State vs. Path Functions." Chemistry LibreTexts, Libretexts, 23 January. 2018, Bachelor hither.

State Function Vs Path Function,


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